Sunday, August 31, 2014

Finding Impact Factor of Journal

Finding ISI Impact Factor of Journal other than ISI Web of Science Database.

The following website help you to find the latest ISI Impact Factor of Journals indexed in Web of Science. You can find out Impact factor of the journals in which your publication has appeared. This will help you to compile the data for various agencies asked from time to time

The service is provided by CiteFactor

For finding impact factor of the journal, navigate to respective alphabet of the journal. Copy the Exact name of the journal and the press CTRL+F to find it . It does not have search facility.

It has IF data for six years from 2008-2013.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

JPubDB: JUIT Publication Database Lanuched

JUIT Library has developed a database of JUIT Publications. The Database can be accessed at